Thursday, September 6, 2007

I Have No Idea Why I'm Doing This

Seriously, I'm married with two year old, working and going to school full time, I shouldn't have the time to start writing my alcoholic rants. But hey, it's should be fun. Hope someone besides me will enjoy them.


John Peddie said...

It will definitely be fun. Hope you have fun with it - looking forward to reading. Maybe you went to the Rush show a couple weeks ago and have some thoughts to share on that? (I missed it...sigh...)

Prime Mover said...

Thanks John-o. I did not go to the Rush show. I've seen them 3 times in the last 5 years, and the last show I was front row center (gotta love my wife for entering contests). I started feeling like I was paying for their retirement, or Alex Lifeson's crippeling drinking problem. Anyways, thanks for reading!